Trusted by the Top Leaders in Pharmacology
Phenotypic screening uncovers otherwise
unpredicted new uses for a drug
We offer access to dozens of animal models of human disease. Our commitment to in vivo services since 2005 has made us a CRO of choice for hundreds of companies.
In Vivo Pharmacology Platforms
The theraTRACE® and opioidTRACE® platforms are our phenotypic screening tools for drug repositioning, drug repurposing, and indications discovery.
Case Study: The Value of Strategic Partnerships in Cancer Therapy Innovation
Rapid data delivery and effective communication to fuel investor confidence.
About Melior Discovery
More than just a provider of in vivo pharmacology services, Melior is a pioneer of in vivo phenotypic screening and a leader in the area of drug repositioning.
Its proprietary theraTRACE® platform enables rapid and cost-effective identification of new therapeutic potential by systematically screening candidates in a diverse array of validated in vivo disease models.

Serving our community since 2005
Thousands of completed studies
Hundreds of compounds evaluated
Dozens of animal models of human disease
Recent Featured Publications
Browse our recent peer-reviewed publications from our collaborative discovery projects.
In-Vivo Phenotypic Screening: Clinical Proof of Concept for a Drug Repositioning Approach
Ciallella JR, Reaume, AG
Recent Studies using Phenotypic Screening
Increasingly, phenotypic screening is being recognized as the best strategy to uncover otherwise unpredicted new uses of therapeutics.