B16F10 Tumor Model

Validate treatment efficacy and tackle the deadliest skin cancer with B16F10 syngeneic mouse models.

As the deadliest skin cancer, melanoma accounts for approximately 1.3% of all cancer deaths, with new cases projected to rise an average of 1.2% each year1. To make matters worse, melanoma treatment has one of the lowest success rates compared to other malignancies2.

When you partner with Melior, you can confidently accelerate your in vivo efficacy evaluations of melanoma therapies including targeted therapy, cytotoxic drugs, antibody therapies, checkpoint inhibitors, and gene therapies.

Advance immunotherapy and transform skin cancer treatments with our validated melanoma mouse model and fully customizable study designs.

Metastatic melanoma: The deadliest skin cancer

Skin cancers, including squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), basal cell carcinoma (BCC), and melanoma are the most common types of cancer3. While less common, malignant melanoma is highly aggressive and will rapidly metastasize to other parts of the body, causing more deaths than any other type of skin cancer3.

Like many cancers, early detection dramatically improves survival rates with a 99.5% 5 year survival rate for localized melanoma1. Once melanoma has spread to regional lymph nodes or metastasized to distant locations, it becomes more difficult to treat and is often fatal with the 5 year survival rate dropping to 70.6% and 31.9%, respectively1.

This creates an urgent need for better immunotherapies targeting later stages of the disease.

Develop your immunotherapies with B16F10 syngeneic mouse models

The B16 cell line of murine melanoma exhibits spindle-shaped and epithelial-like cells that are isolated from spontaneous melanoma derived from C57BL/6 mice4. B16F10 is the most commonly used variant. It was generated as the 10th serial passage subclone of the parent B16 tumor line5. B16F10 is highly aggressive. Researchers choose it for its ability to produce distant metastases upon subcutaneous, orthotopic, and intravenous injection4.

You can use our established B16F10 syngeneic mouse model for evaluating responses to immuno-oncology agents and for developing novel therapeutic agents. This model is especially valuable for checkpoint efficacy studies because melanoma responds well to anti-PD1 and other checkpoint inhibitors.

B16F10 tumor models can provide insight into human treatment responses and aid in the discovery of new therapeutics for melanoma.

Enhance your predictive ability with B16F10 tumor models

You can set up our B16F10 syngeneic mouse model in subcutaneous, orthotopic intradermal, or metastatic modes. It is valuable for preclinical study with chemotherapy and immunotherapy candidates (eg. checkpoint inhibitor) candidates. Because this model comes from a mouse-derived cancer line and utilizes immunocompetent mice, you can study how your therapies work with an intact immune system.


In subcutaneous models, tumors are implanted in the fat layer, under the skin. This technique requires a precise and consistent injection technique that is minimally invasive and does not require anesthesia.

Orthotopic intradermal

In orthotopic intradermal models the tumor cell line is implanted just below the epidermis. Because the skin tissue matches the tumor histotype, it creates a more disease-relevant environment for assessing tumor growth.


Metastatic models allow for the research of advanced (stage 3 and 4) melanoma. This method involves inoculating mice via intravenous (tail vein) injections after which the melanoma quickly colonizes the lungs4.

Maximize your study findings with custom tools and services

Get the most out of your study by integrating custom services and analyses. We help you design your study and select the appropriate tissues for immune analysis and profiling including tumor, spleen, and lymph nodes.

Some of our services include:

  • Tissue collection for immune cell analysis and profiling
  • Whole blood, spleen, and lymph node analysis
  • General observations
  • Metabolic analyses
  • Histology and IHC
  • Pain analysis
  • IVIS imaging
  • PK studies

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Contact us for a comprehensive list of services.

Expand your applications with theraTRACE

Our oncology platform, immuno-theraTRACE, allows you to test your immunotherapeutic in 8 syngeneic models simultaneously. In this way you can determine the best target cancer type towards which to advance your immunotherapy.

In addition to testing your drug in our B16F10 melanoma model, immuno-theraTRACE, lets you simultaneously analyze your immunotherapies in 7 other tumor types and get results in 8 just weeks.

Data highlights: Model variant responses to immunotherapies

Melanoma B16F10 Intradermal Model with Anti-PD1 and Paclitaxel

Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor and Chemotherapy Validation in Melanoma B16F10 orthotopic Tumor Model.
0.5 x106 B16F10 mouse melanoma cells were intradermally injected into the rear flank of C57B6 mice. Once the tumor size reached 50~100mm3, mice were randomized into groups and treated with vehicle anti-PD-1 antibody (12.5 mg/kg IP), or paclitaxel (20 mg/kg IP). Tumor volume was monitored twice per week using calipers. Both anti-PD1 antibody and paclitaxel significantly depressed tumor growth ( Arrows indicate date of treatment; both p<0.001; Data are mean ± SEM; n=5 for each group).

Melanoma B16F10 Metastatic Model with Anti-PD1 and Paclitaxel

Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor and chemotherapy Validation in Melanoma B16F10 Experimental Metastatic Model.
2 x105 B16F10 were injected into the tail vein in C57B6 mice. The mice were randomized into groups and treated with vehicle (n=8), anti-PD1(10mg/kg, IP weekly; n=5) or paclitaxel (20mg/kg, IP weekly; n=5). The treatments began 1 week after injection. The body weights were monitored twice per week. The lungs were removed and weighted at the end. Both anti-PD1 and paclitaxel significantly inhibited lung metastases (both p<0.005; Data are mean ± SEM).

Melanoma B16F10 Subcutaneous Model

Chemotherapy Validation in Melanoma B16F10 Subcutaneous Tumor Model.
2.5 x105 B16F10 were subcutaneously injected into the rear flank of C57B6 mice. Once the tumor size reached 75-100mm3, mice were randomized into groups and treated with vehicle or cisplatin (4mg/kg, IP twice per week). Cisplatin significantly inhibited tumor growing (p<0.001;Data are mean ± SEM; n=12 for each group).

Are you ready to advance your melanoma immunotherapeutic R&D?


  1. Melanoma of the Skin – Cancer Stat Facts. SEER. Accessed December 7, 2022. https://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/melan.html
  2. Kuzu OF, Nguyen FD, Noory MA, Sharma A. Current State of Animal (Mouse) Modeling in Melanoma Research. Cancer Growth Metastasis. 2015;8(Suppl 1):81-94. doi:10.4137/CGM.S21214
  3. Skin Cancer (Including Melanoma)—Patient Version – NCI. Accessed December 7, 2022. https://www.cancer.gov/types/skin
  4. Overwijk WW, Restifo NP. B16 as a Mouse Model for Human Melanoma. Curr Protoc Immunol. 2001;CHAPTER:Unit-20.1. doi:10.1002/0471142735.im2001s39
  5. Nakamura K, Yoshikawa N, Yamaguchi Y, Kagota S, Shinozuka K, Kunitomo M. Characterization of mouse melanoma cell lines by their mortal malignancy using an experimental metastatic model. Life Sci. 2002;70(7):791-798. doi: